ExchangeAbility is one of ESN International’s project, born in 2009/2010 with the aim of making ESN a more accessible organization, involving the students with disabilities in the activities promoted by the Network’s local sections and giving them the necessary conditions and opportunities thanks to the help and support of EDF (European Disability Forum), Youth Agora and UNICA (Network of Universities from the Capitals of Europe).


The project’s main objective is increasing the participation of the students with disabilities to mobility projects.

The new Erasmus+ program gives the chance to students with disabilities to take part to and take advantage of the European mobility projects and, compared to the previous program, Erasmus+ offers further guarantees to students and volunteers with disabilities.

According to data, during the academic year 2011/2012 the number of students with disabilities that took part to the Erasmus program is equal to the 0.14% of the total and, although an increase against the previous year is noticeable, this number is still too low.


Project's objectives:

The two main ExchangeAbility objectives are:

  • Increase the number of students with disabilities in mobility projects. The long term aim of this project is the promotion of greater opportunities and support in order to allow the students with disabilities to live an experience abroad, working with the ESN sections, universities and other experts in the field of disability and inclusion. ExchangeAbility aims to create and offer to these students the best conditions possible during their mobility period.
  • Making ESN a more accessible organization on all the different levels of our Network and for each activity it promotes. Erasmus Student Network’s dream is to provide the necessary conditions and opportunities to let the students with disabilities be actively involved also as volunteers, helping other university students who come as guests in their city, getting benefits from the "Internationalisation at home's" concept. Another important objective is raising awareness on the themes of mobility, education and inclusion for the students with disabilities.


Find out more:

MapAbility | MappED!



We truly believe in the ExchangeAbility project and its mission, and that's why we decided to start a new weekly section: #weeklyEA, by which we want to weekly share content on the ExchangeAbility project and, furthermore, on the world of disability in all its forms. An easy and direct way to keep raising awareness on disabilities.


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