Erasmus Student Network has won the Job Bridge Award for the work done in the field of competence development, and the creation of the validation of volunteer work process for ESN. The award aims to promote projects and initiatives aimed at validation of learning outcomes in volunteer work. The award ceremony took place at the 10th REVEAL conference, this year hosted by the consortium of the projects CIM , PITCH and Job Bridge on December 10th and 11th, 2020. The conference brought together professionals from formal and informal education, businesses, chambers, NGOs, National Agencies, the EACEA, volunteers and students from all over Europe to focus on new approaches to embed creative, innovative and digitally supported learning approaches in various educational contexts.
Erasmus Student Network has won the Job Bridge Award for the work done in the field of competence development, and the creation of the validation of volunteer work process for ESN. The award aims to promote projects and initiatives aimed at validation of learning outcomes in volunteer work. The award ceremony took place at the 10th REVEAL conference, this year hosted by the consortium of the projects CIM , PITCH and Job Bridge on December 10th and 11th, 2020. The conference brought together professionals from formal and informal education, businesses, chambers, NGOs, National Agencies, the EACEA, volunteers and students from all over Europe to focus on new approaches to embed creative, innovative and digitally supported learning approaches in various educational contexts.
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