The SocialErasmus project aims to encourage the integration of international students in the communities that have received them, promoting changes through volunteering activities. Mobility doesn't consist only of travelling or studying abroad, but it actively involves students by promoting cultural comprehension and inspiring them, once they go back home, to keep leaving a mark in their society.

The initiative develops taking into account eight areas:

  • Environment
  • Animals
  • Disasters
  • Discrimination
  • Education
  • Poverty
  • Health
  • Violence

As of 2012 ESN Italy organizes the SocialErasmus Week twice a year, and almost all the Italian sections take part in them.
Under the SocialErasmus project, ESN Italy has started, during the years, many important collaborations with both public and private national institutions.
Would you like to become our partner for the next SocialErasmus activities? Contact ESN Italy or the nearest local section.


The SocialErasmus project was born in Poland in 2008. Thanks to its success at national level, the project was started in the other countries of the ESN Network and, in 2012, it was voted as ESN International's flagship project.

The project offers to international students the chance to culturally enrich themselves and to know as best as possible their host local community; it promotes social aptitude and encourages the students to join the world of volunteering.

At the international level, every year a meeting (SECM) is organised, which is addressed to national coordinators. In this gathering is possible to confront the responsible people from the other countries, to share experiences and develop new ideas.


Since 2012 ESN Italy develops and promotes on a national and local level the SocialErasmus project. A working group was set up in order to monitor the Italian sections and to make it through these and the international level.


As previously said, ESN Italy organises two times a year the SocialErasmus week, but the volunteering activities do not take place just in these two periods. As a matter of fact, during the year, almost all the Italian sections organise many events always in respect of the project’s guidelines.

It is at the international level that Italy is one of the most active countries, thanks mainly to the great job and commitment of the local sections.

Unlike it happens at the international level, in Italy the area dedicated to education develops mainly throughout the Erasmus in Schools project that, even if separated from it, maintains an active cooperation with the SocialErasmus one.


Each local section of ESN Italy has a SocialErasmus local coordinator who cooperates with the other local coordinators and interfaces with the national coordinator of the project.
Coordinating the project at a national level allows the cooperation between sections, the sharing of ideas, the exchange of information and it is a source of motivation for the volunteers’ work.
All the Italian sections, at least once a year, involve the international students in enjoyable and socially useful and educational events: from the rise of funds to give to people in need, to sensitisation meetings, to volunteering days in hospitals.
Organising these activities encourages the birth of cooperations with the other charity organisations, institutions and private entities, improving the image of the organisation and giving a supportive mark to the international exchange program.

The slogan of the project is...
Leave Your Mark!


Medaglia di Rappresentanza del Presidente della Repubblica a ESN Italia

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La medaglia di Rappresentanza è un riconoscimento che viene attribuito dal Presidente della Repubblica a iniziative di interesse culturale, scientifico, artistico, sportivo e sociale. Erasmus Student Network Italia ha ricevuto la Medaglia di Rappresentanza per l’Incontro Culturale Erasmus - #ICE2016.

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Giornata Mondiale contro la Violenza sulle Donne

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In occasione della Giornata Mondiale conto la Violenza sulle Donne, che si celebra ogni 25 novembre, ESN Italia, per il secondo anno consecutivo, partecipa e sostiene la campagna di Posto Occupato che intende ricordare attraverso l'occupazione simbolica di un posto, le donne vittime di violenza.

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SocialErasmus & EiS Week - Autumn '16

Discovery Europe: scoprire l’ Europa a scuola

Puliamo il Mondo 2016

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Dona con Amore, Terremoto Centro Italia

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Erasmus Student Network Italia non starà a guardare. Non può farlo, non quando è la nostra Italia a piegarsi all’ennesima catastrofe. Campania, Sicilia, Umbria e Marche, poi ancora Molise e Puglia, Abruzzo ed Emilia Romagna e, oggi, proprio come allora, di nuovo Umbria, Marche e Lazio. Sono eventi che ci sconvolgono, eventi fuori dalla nostra portata, eventi che lasciano il segno, un segno che troppe volte ha un costo troppo alto.

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SECM Prague 2013

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SocialErasmus Coordinators Meeting Prague 2013 (SECM Prague) will be organized on 25th-28th October by ESC ICT Prague, an ESN CZ section which has almost 10 years of history and since 2010 is also a part of Erasmus Student Network and a great supporter of the SocialErasmus (SE) activities.

Are you looking forward to come to this meeting? Do you want more information? Check out the SECM Prague 2013 facebook page or contact us at

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SocialErasmus e Erasmus in Schools Week Spring 2016

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Tra il 2 e l'8 maggio, in tutta Italia e in Europa, avrà luogo la settimana promossa da Erasmus Student Network all'insegna del SocialErasmus e di Erasmus in Schools. Attraverso gli eventi organizzati dalle 49 sezioni italiane, dislocate su tutto il territorio e con sede nei principali atenei, studenti Erasmus e volontari ESN si metteranno in gioco provando a diventare "eroi per un giorno" e dare un impatto positivo e duraturo sia sulla società che alle nuove generazioni.

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I giovani volontari di ESN e il sorriso sul volto dei bambini

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I giovani volontari di ESN avranno l'opportunità di fare la differenza durante l'Annual General Meeting (AGM) di Erasmus Student Network (ESN). L’AGM è la più grande conferenza studentesca Europea e coinvolge delegati provenienti da tutta Europa che si riuniranno, quest’anno, a Varsavia.

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Dona Con Amore - IV Edizione

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E' un San Valentino all'insegna della solidarietà verso il prossimo, quello che da tre anni caratterizza Erasmus Student Network Italia e le sue sezioni. Giunge infatti alla IV edizione il progetto Dona Con Amore, ideato nel 2012 da ESN Salerno e dall'associazione Rete dei Giovani per Salerno, che ha come obiettivo quello di promuovere la cultura della donazione del sangue tra i più giovani. 

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