The number of college graduates willing to start new businesses—the largest producer of private sector jobs over the past 25 years—still depends heavily on the entrepreneurial focus and structure of the universities from which they graduate.
Years ago, it was rare for a student to have entrepreneurship experience because the cost of starting a business was so high and they didn’t have the resources or expertise to pull it off. Well, times have changed. Introducing – Startup Europe comes to Universities (SEC2U)!
SEC2U is an initiative endorsed by the European Commission (Startup Europe) to create a strong culture of entrepreneurship and innovation within universities across Europe. This consists of a series of events that bring together entrepreneurs, businessmen and representatives of local governments and universities in order to showcase the available support, share success stories and cases of failure, as well as network. The first edition of
SEC2U will take place next month, from the 17th to the 21st of October and Creative Industries
Lab | Politecnico di Milano will be joining the initiative!
During the event, that will take place @ MAKERSHUB, via Cosenz 44/4 Milan on the 21st of October, the entrepreneurs will be able to familiarize themselves with the opportunities and support available for growing their businesses. In addition, some success stories and cases of failure as a way of learning will be presented as well as some networking time among the participants.
Through this cooperation, led by the Creative Industries Lab (www.cilab.polimi.it) of the Design Department Politecnico di Milano in partnership with PoliHub (www.polihub.it), Erasmus Student Network Italia (www.esnitalia.org) and MakersHub (www.makershub.it), a new step towards the internationalization was taken together with many other prestigious universities are already part of the SEC2U initiative: Cambridge University, University of Salamanca, University Nova of Lisbon, Dublin City University, U-tad University Center, Technical University of Cartagena, Ravensbourne and University of Cantabria, among others.
Finally - the event will be free of charge for the participants and will be focused on a regional/local level. This is a time to showcase the work of universities in the entrepreneurship area, build bridges between university communities and startup ecosystems, and facilitate connections!
Thirty six universities have joined the initiative from fifteen different countries: Spain, United Kingdom, Ireland, Portugal, Israel, Cyprus, The Netherlands, Greece, Romania, Albania, Italy, Croatia, Germany, Hungary and Austria. With approximately 2000 people expected in attendance, this initiative is sure to foster collaboration and achieve a massive impact all over Europe.
Take the right step towards your future and don´t miss out on this opportunity.
Get your free ticket here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/workshop-politecnico-di-milano-startup-europe- comes-to-the-universities-tickets-28191266838
See you there!
About Creative Industries Lab | Politecnico di Milano
Cilab is a research lab in Design Department of Politecnico di Milano: it’s a network of professors, researchers and professionals that “travel” in design and creative industries galaxies, in order to provide added values for industries and startups through design driven innovation approach as a leverage to grow. Which startups? First of all those in the Creative and Cultural Sector, but not only. In fact, the design driven innovation represents a successful model for the companies in all sectors.
Through “design” as a method and cultural approach Cilab works with the aim to improve the quality of life of human being. A research lab with a design approach: research to know, test to learn, take action to train starting from the real needs of people. Cilab | Politecnico di Milano in partnership with PoliHub and ESN is lead partner of CREA Summer Academy European Project (www.creasummeracademy.eu)
About Startup Europe Universities Network (SEUN)
Startup Europe Universities Network is an initiative supported by the European Commission which aims to create a European community of universities and business/scientific parks with an entrepreneurship perspective by establishing an active and collaborative forum for exchanging information and best practices to support the development of entrepreneurship.
SEUN members: University of Salamanca, University of Cantabria, Technical University of Cartagena and U-Tad University Center from Spain, University of Cambridge and Ravensbourne form the United Kingdom, Dublin City University from Ireland and University of Nova from Portugal.
About Startup Europe Comes to the Universities (SEC2U)
Startup Europe Comes to the Universities (SEC2U) is in a Europe wide initiative where we will engage many European Universities and enable them to exhibit their effort with spreading entrepreneurial culture. SEC2U initiative will happen during the week of 17th to 21st of October 2016.
The main objective of the SEC2U events is to showcase the commitment of European universities to create a strong culture of entrepreneurship and innovation that is spreading in the university community. And as result transferring it to the society by creating startups and spinoffs with high added value, based on knowledge and technological development.
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