The Erasmus Generation wants to choose the future of Europe! And you?
On May 9th, Europe Day, the video made by Erasmus Student Network Italia is officially launched, in collaboration with the Liaison Office of European Parliament in Italy, to promote the "This time voting" campaign in our Country.
Erasmus Student Network Italia has joined the campaign This time I’m voting, promoted by the European Parliament to make European citizens aware of the importance of the vote at the European elections of 23-26 May 2019.
For this occasion, a video was, and the Erasmus students are protagonists, who tell what are the reasons why they will vote for the new European Parliament.
"We are very happy to have made this video - declared Vittorio Gattari, President of Erasmus Student Network Italy - in which the young Europeans are directly involved in the so-called Erasmus Generation, to invite their peers to vote. The volunteers of our association are busy for months, in all 53 Italian local sections and over 500 in Europe, in the campaign Stavoltavoto.eu launched by the European Parliament, but with this video we wanted to give voice to international students who are now carrying out their experience of study and life in Italy. Erasmus is the most successful program of the European Union, it is a virtuous example of European integration and it is certainly a good reason to go and vote next May 26. "
Erasmus Student Network (ESN) is the main student association in Europe that deals with the promotion of international mobility. ESN Italy is the national level of this network and has been collaborating for years with the main Italian and European institutions on issues related to active citizenship.
ESN Italy supports the #stavoltavoto campaign of the European Parliament.
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