Erasmus Student Network (ESN) Italy wants to express all its solidarity and its support to all the people who, at this moment, are suffering because of COVID-19 and their families. As an association that has among its purposes to promote active citizenship, social inclusion and solidarity, we will work promoting the importance and the respect of the dispositions of the Authorities.
We think that this is the moment, for our Country, to stand together and fight this emergency with strength and with spirit of solidarity, ensuring that the necessary attention is given to protecting the health of all citizens, especially the weakest ones, implementing the measures literally and in a responsible way in order to manage this emergency situation.
Since the beginning of this emergency, our association has strictly followed all the acts and regional measures, stopping and postponing all the scheduled events, at first only in all the areas so-called "at-risk" and then in all the 53 zones where our volunteers and exchange students live, study and work.
Without any doubt, this is a fundamental period of the year for us, in that it's the beginning of the new semester and our activities are focused on welcoming and integrating the Erasmus students in the cities that will host them for the next months. We did it with a great sense of responsibility, understanding that our contribution as well can be significative to protect everyone's health.
With this document, we would like to ask our friends, colleagues and all the citizens to follow the instructions of the Authorities, even if this means to renounce to our everyday routine for a short period of time. Let us all make this little effort to protect every person around us - our relatives or even strangers we could casually meet by chance.
To conclude, we would like to leave a message for all the Erasmus students who've recently arrived in the Italian cities and who're forced to face an extra-ordinary and complex situation. ESN volunteers are always there to help and support you not to feel alone even if you are far away from home. Erasmus is a big family and you are part of it.
We are very sorry we cannot show you the beauties of our cities and, at the moment, not to give you all the activities that will make your Erasmus such a unique experience, but we assure you that we are already working to make up all the things we could not show you, as soon as this emergency will be over. We only have to stay strong a little bit longer, but we will make it: everything will be fine.
Moreover, we would like to remind you of some behaviours that can help contain the virus:
- Avoid all travels and any unneeded trip.
- Only leave your house unless strictly needed.
- Avoid crowded places the more you can.
- Avoid close contact with other people (unfortunately no kisses and hugs) by keeping a distance of at least 1 meter.
- Avoid the shared use of bottles and glasses, especially during sports activities.
- Wash your hands often with soap or disinfectant gel. Avoid touch one another's face with dirty hands.
- Use single-use tissues to cover your mouth when sneezing or coughing. If you do not have any available, use the elbow fold.
- Use the mask only if you suspect that you have contracted the virus or if you have been to contact with sick people.
- If you start showing illness symptoms such as cold and fever, don't leave your house and don't go to the hospital. If you get worse, contact your doctor or call an emergency number.
- Only look for new information on the official Government media.
If in doubt or for more information, we recommend that you contact the regional toll-free numbers found at THIS LINK.
For more information, you can visit the following links:
Ministry of Health: http://www.salute.gov.it/nuovocoronavirus
World Health Organisation: https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019
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