This year, ESN Italia joins again Legambiente's campaign "Clean up the world from prejudices 2019". The initiative, involving several Italian institutions, has a double aim: fighting against the extreme production and accumulation of waste spread in parks, streets, gardens, beaches and rivers of our cities every day. breaking down the prejudices and other types of social discriminations that "pollute" the "environment" of our Country. ESN Italia is proud of taking part in this initiative launching the #GreenMonth. Our volunteers will have the task of “painting” their sections' activities green. The watchword? Fantasy! From cleaning beaches to the creation of separate waste collections organised in municipal green areas. From campaigns of sensibilisation during cineforum or laboratories to the redevelopment of historic citizen parks and monuments. We can only wish great work and a lot of fun to our Sections and Network by reminding that everyone can be helpful. For a world more inclusive and cleaner!

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