Section in the Spotlight - ESN Venezia

The winner of our Section in the Spotlight of February is ESN Venezia with its visit to discover the island of Campalto, in the venetian laguna. An island surrounded by nature but in the shadow of the bell tower of San Marco, which can be seen in the distance. A day with the Erasmus students spent discovering the island and its misteries, a moment dedicated to the SocialErasmus project by cleaning the green area after a packed lunch, a linguistic tandem with the foreign students and a guided tour of the park. At the end of the day they made a trip on a steamboat to go visit the fascinating Murano and its ancient village, its canals just like Venice and its colored little houses, typical of the laguna.

ESN Italy collaborates with Education Around

Starting from December 2018, Erasmus Student Network Italy is present on the online magazine Education Around with a new regular column on mobilty and internalisation.

The goal? Provide to the students who are interested in an Erasmus experience or in international exchanges in general, all the tools to make their journey unique, looking forward all the benefits of this amazing adventure.

Una nuova rubrica

Section In The Spotlight - ESN Politecnico Milano

The new year has remarkably started in Milan.

"Mobility Is My Lifestyle" Competition - 3rd Edition



If you happen to know the answer, this is your chance to say “Mobility is My Lifestyle”!
Erasmus Student Network and Mov’in Europe project joined forces with Ryanair, Hostelling International, 
Dr. Walter and ESNcard to launch a third edition of competition with the same name and reward not one, but TWO people with an excellent two week journey, visiting 6 European cities and experience what it means to be a real mobility ambassador!