The new year has remarkably started in Milan. ESN Politecnico Milano is our Section in the Spotlight for the month of January thanks to the project Christmas Exchange!
The initiative included 38 Erasmus students and 25 families and gave the possibility to the international students forced to stay in Milan for Christmas holidays to enjoy a truly Italian-style dinner on the 25th of December. This took place not only in Milan, but also in Genova and Trento, since some off-campus Politecnico students are from these cities.
The goal set when creating the event has been fully reached: on the one hand, giving a little bite of an authentic and familiar Christmas atmosphere to Erasmus students; on the other hand, promoting the discovery of local traditions, therefore promoting the integration of international students into the city social life.
We believe that Milan Erasmus students completely appreciated this amazing initiative that brings together the basic principle of ESN “Students Helping Students” and the warm and captivating Italian hospitality, all enhanced by the magical Christmas atmosphere.
On the other hand, ESN Politecnico Milano has given satisfactions to the italian Network since its foundation on the 6th of February 1992; from that moment on the guys from Politecnico never stopped! In 1994 ESN Politecnico Milano was one of the founding Sections of ESN Italy together with Siena, Parma, Pavia, Trento, Bologna and Genova, starting in the meanwhile the Cooperation with the other universities (Statale, Cattolica and Bocconi) of the future milanese SeCo, officially born in 2006 and reformed in 2009 with the name “ESN a Milano Unita” together with ESN IULM Milano, ESN Milano Bicocca, ESN Bocconi Milano, ESN Milano Statale and ESN Unicatt Milano.
The events promoted by Poli, both as a single section and as a section cooperation, are immeasurable: Crazy Countdown (1st edition back in 2009), the NP in 2010, the organization of the EN in 2013 in Castellaneta Marina, the AGM 2014, the ESN4EXPO in 2015 (exclusive and preferential entry price as well as the realization of a great parade of 1000 students along the Decumano all the way to the Tree of Life) and the unforgettable SWEP in 2017. Over the years the Association has continued growing, in terms of active members (around 70), many of whom are involved at the national level, as wells as in terms of Erasmus students.
Very well done guys, keep our network shining.
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