ESN organises Social Inclusion Days to advocate for social engagement in student mobilities

The Erasmus Student Network (ESN) is preparing to launch a new edition of the Social Inclusion Days, an initiative that aims to a​ dvocate for inclusive mobility programmes, through activities that bring together​ international students and members of local communities, in more than 42 countries.

ESN teams up with UNESCO to safeguard the future of education


The pandemic of COVID-19 shed light on alarming challenges in education that had not adequately been addressed so far and highlighted inequalities that must be tackled in order to guarantee the fundamental right to quality lifelong learning and education. 

As a result, UNESCO is currently leading a global debate to reimagine the focus of learning and knowledge in the future and how it can shape humanity in a world of increasing uncertainty. This yeart hey are focusing on sparking conversations and getting input from individuals, networks, and organisations, encouraging them to think critically about the challenges and opportunities that the possible futures of education hold.

Online Learning Agreement - What are we talking about?


The new version of the Online Learning Agreement platform has been released and is now available at the fingertips of the Erasmus Generation, as an integral part of the digitalisation process of the Erasmus+ programme.

The OLA can be used by students participating in an Erasmus+ mobility for studies or traineeships between the Higher Education Institutions that are holders of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE).

The learning agreement is a key document for an Erasmus+ mobility to take place. Starting with the 2021-2027 Erasmus+ programme, the online learning agreements will become the norm.

Online Learning Agreement - What are we talking about?

The new version of the Online Learning Agreement platform has been released and is now available at the fingertips of the Erasmus Generation, as an integral part of the digitalisation process of the Erasmus+ programme.

The OLA can be used by students participating in an Erasmus+ mobility for studies or traineeships between the Higher Education Institutions that are holders of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE).

The learning agreement is a key document for an Erasmus+ mobility to take place. Starting with the 2021-2027 Erasmus+ programme, the online learning agreements will become the norm.