Green Month 2.0 - What Happened?

Green Month 2.0, the campaign with which ESN Italia aims to increase the environmental sustainability of the entire Network, has just ended. For this particular edition, the main objective was to promote the collaboration with Legambiente, the most widespread environmental association in Italy, and with other trade associations. Indeed, Legambiente has been collecting data on our country's ecosystems for 40 years and using them to promote active citizenship and fight against the environmental and social problems that afflict our world. As mentioned in the launch article, this Green Month began at the end of September precisely to support one of the historic campaigns of this association, Clean up the World. For the occasion and to encourage the Sections to do activities, a category contest was launched to reward the most deserving, and incredible and creative events came out despite the difficulties linked to Covid. 

Since there were equally valid activities and some categories were not covered, we chose more than one event for some of them.

Hereafter we present the winners:

Puliamo Il Mondo - It's Green Month again!

The collaboration between ESN Italia and Legambiente continues and is renewed with the student association joining the international environmental campaign Puliamo Il Mondo

Blood Donation

While facing this almost unreal situation, there is another emergency: the shortage of blood in health facilities. As a matter of fact, blood donations have decreased significantly from the beginning of March. "Of course!" - you would say - "How can I donate if I cannot go out?"


Actually, you can go to the hospital to make a gesture of solidarity, because we cannot forget about those who need our help, especially at a time like this. In fact, around 1800 patients need transfusions every day, due to chronic pathologies such as anaemia, or due to urgent treatments (just think about cancer patients or people waiting for a transplant).

ESN Italia and COVID-19


Erasmus Student Network (ESN) Italy wants to express all its solidarity and its support to all the people who, at this moment, are suffering because of COVID-19 and their families. As an association that has among its purposes to promote active citizenship, social inclusion and solidarity, we will work promoting the importance and the respect of the dispositions of the Authorities.