The European Academy of Yuste Foundation is offering a grants programme linked to the Carlos V European Award, aimed at researchers currently working on a doctoral thesis in any field of study. The theme of the grants is adapted to the profile of the person presented with the Award, and the theme of this edition’s grants call is, from a multidisciplinary perspective, “Peace and European values as a potential model for integration and progress in a global world”. In her speech at the Carlos V European Award presentation ceremony, Professor Sofia Corradi talked about her commitment to peace, saying this was always her ultimate aim through the introduction of the initiative that would go on to become the Erasmus Programme: “The Erasmus programme develops valuable qualities in students such as knowledge, personal development, maturity, creativity in problem solving, and autonomy in decision making: both for everyday life and for important decisions. These small but incredibly positive steps undoubtedly contribute to the promotion of an integrated and improved Europe, as well as peace between the members of our global human family [...]”.
The grants are aimed at researchers enrolled on a PhD programme and currently working on a doctoral thesis in History, Political Science, Economics, Law, or other disciplines within Human and Social Sciences, as well as other branches of science, on any theme related to the aim and orientation of the grants call. Working languages are English and Spanish.
Considering that one of the aims of the Foundation is to bring Europe and Extremadura together, the organisation invites researchers from Extremadura in particular to participate in the grants call: those born in the region, those with qualifications from the University of Extremadura, or candidates working on their PhD at the same university. The grants call has financial and institutional support from the Italian Government, which would like to pay homage to Professor Sofia Corradi, and also especially to the thirteen Erasmus students killed in the tragic road traffic accident in Tarragona in March 2016, seven of whom were Italians. As such researchers of Italian nationality and/or those studying their PhD in an Italian university are also encouraged to participate.
The value of the grant for each beneficiary is 2500 euros. Around June 2017 the European Academy of Yuste Foundation will also be organising a Doctoral Seminar in Contemporary European Multidisciplinary Studies, under the framework of the grants programme, in Yuste. There, the selected researchers will be able to present their works, which are also guaranteed to be published by academic publisher Peter Lang.
The deadline for candidates’ submissions will be two months from the date the grants call is published in the Official Journal of Extremadura (DOE). Full details of the grants call, the application form, and annexes can be downloaded from the Foundation’s website: www.fundacionyuste.org and also from: https://ciudadano.gobex.es/
The European Research and Mobility grants for European Studies, Carlos V European Award - Sofia Corradi - Mamma Erasmus, are intended to encourage study and research in the European field, and have been organised in collaboration with the SEGEI (Socio-Economic Governance and European Identity) Research Network, and the University of Extremadura, with additional support from the Regional Government of Extremadura and the Italian Government.
The selected researchers will go on to form part of the European ‘Alumni de Yuste’ Network, set up to facilitate the exchange of projects and information between researchers specialising in European matters who have received one of the grants. There are now more than 70 researchers from different European, Latin American, and other Mediterranean countries’ universities in the Network.
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