This year we are undergoing a major shift towards the “causes” of ESN and our projects are not lagging behind...they are abandoning the typical distinctions between their various activities, which were sometimes perceived as unchangeable constraints… in a Social Inclusion perspective, the projects have decided to display their best qualities by collaborating, thus allowing the whole network to showcase the best of their creativity!
With the upcoming weeks in mind, our 53 sections, which have always been engaged in the organization of events labelled SocialErasmus, ExchangeAbility and Erasmus in Schools, have been supported and encouraged in the planning of activities that overcome the features of individual projects. This demonstrates that ESN, despite its multifaceted branches, shares one and only heart.
The aim of these common efforts is to motivate our volunteers to set up extraordinary activities, thus showing that projects are no empty and standardized boxes. Rather, they are to be understood as “streams”, where there is nothing preventing an encounter in some of their parts and which all flow in the same direction, towards the same goal. This goal is the valorisation and improvement of a large sea, that is, our network.
Indeed, these events offer individual sections but most importantly exchange students the opportunity to meet, socialize, share and deepen their intercultural knowledge, allowing them to fully experience their host country.
These are the reasons why we, as students, volunteers, ESN sections and ESN are committing ourselves during SID and EiS Month to share best practices between sections and to launch new initiatives. Our goal is to have an impact on the communities where we are living, keeping in mind that these events are only a small piece of the larger, 365-day pie a year is made of.
Only a joint and long-lasting commitment by all can allow us to leave our mark. We are the key actors in Europe. We are the wind of change. We are ESN.
Don’t miss this opportunity!
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