Local Sections
The foundations of the ESN Network are the Local Sections. A section is a reality that provides support and assistance to incoming students to make their experience unforgettable. The Sections usually get the support of local academic realities to offer more services.
The active members of the individual local section elect a Board every year to lead the section. Generally, the Board at the local level consists of at least 5 members:
Vice President
Local Representative (LR)
Within a section, you can find additional figures, both in the local Board and others who help the Board and who are called “Board supporters”. These commonly include figures such as the Communication Manager and the WebMaster.
ESN Italy
All sections are represented by a Board at the national level. The National Board (NB) is made up of some members of the different local sections and is responsible for coordinating and managing local realities and carrying out several projects, events and activities throughout the year; among the best-known and internationally recognised there are AskErasmus and ICE (Incontro Culturale Erasmus).
Among the fixed appointments for the national Network, the National Platform (NP) cannot be missed. It is held four times a year and for the occasion some representatives of all Italian sections have the opportunity to meet to update, exchange opinions and discuss issues concerning the entire national Network.
The Board, elected annually, is made up of 8 members:
President: they is the legal representative of the association, they chairs the Board, coordinates national activities and is responsible for maintaining relations with institutions and business partners. They establishes the guidelines of the association, presented during the first General Assembly of the year.
Vice President: they is the intermediary person between the members and the Board and they replaces the President, if necessary, and has the task of following and collaborating with the members for the organisation of national events, including the National Platforms. They deals with the admission of new sections and promotes the association at Italian universities.
Secretary: they collaborates with the rest of the Board in the organisation of activities and manages correspondence, the list of members and the updating of local Boards. They also manages the filing systems and internal communication tools and writes the minutes of the General Assembly and Board meetings.
Treasurer: they is responsible for keeping the accounts, controlling income and expenses, and managing and authorising payments. During the National Platforms, they presents the Preliminary Budget and the Final Budget to update the members on the activities of the association. They also manages ESNcard orders and mobilises for fundraising and sponsorships.
Communication Manager: they promotes the association towards third parties and takes care of the promotion of business partners. They constantly manages and updates ESN Italy’s institutional website and social media.
National Representative (NR): they represents ESN Italy at an international level by participating in the Erasmus Generation Meeting or in the General Assembly. The NR acts as an intermediary between ESN Italy and the international Board, taking on the task of structuring ESN Italy's strategy in relation to ESN International and keeping the national Board and sections informed about activities at the international level.
Activities and Training Manager: they is responsible for supporting the sections in the organization of events and activities by enforcing the minimum requirements related to the causes. They promotes national and local events of national interest and mobilises for the training of members.
Events Manager: they organises and supervises part of ESN Italy’s events. They supports sections in the organisation of National Platforms, local events of national interest, and international events (with the help of the NR). They is head of the Organising Committee of national events, in particular of the Incontro Culturale Erasmus (ICE) and the National Erasmus Games (NEG).
The national Board is supported by the Audit Commission which is made up of 3 members. The Commission verifies the economic performance of the association, handles any disputes within ESN Italy and supervises the work of the Board. In addition, it manages correspondence and ensures compliance with the Statute and Regulation.
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