The Forum Nazionale Giovani and Erasmus Student Network Italy want to invite you to the conference "Educazione Non Formale: riconoscimento e valorizzazione", focused on the importance of personal growth and the opportunities offered by non-formal education, which will take place on the 25th of October 2018 at 03.00pm at the Ministero dell'Istruzione, Università e Ricerca (MIUR), in the Aldo Moro Room.
The event will be focused on the presentation of the results of a multiannual research carried out by the Forum, in order to identify the different declinations and benefits of non-formal education in the society. The ultimate goal of this conference is to start working towards the recognition and certifications of the competences acquired in non-formal contexts, such as volunteering: in this sense comes the contribution from Erasmus Student Network Italy, which for years has been supporting the necessity of the recognition of University Educational Credits for the students who volunteer for ESN.
Event program:
Ore 16.00 - Opening
Videomessage by On. Lorenzo Fioramonti - Viceministro dell'Istruzione, dell'Università e della Ricerca
Maria Cristina Pisani - Forum Nazionale dei Giovani spokesperson
Vittorio Gattari - President of Erasmus Student Network Italia
Ore 16.30 - Report on Non Formal Education studies
Enrico Elefante - Pool Of Trainers Forum Nazionale Giovani
Francesca Iacovino - Pool Of Trainers Forum Nazionale Giovani
Ore 16.45 - Open discussion
Federico Cinquepalmi - Dirigente Internazionalizzazione della Formazione Superiore MIUR
Vito Borrelli - Vice Capo Rappresentanza in Italia della Commissione Europea
Sen. Mario Pittoni - Presidente della Commissione Istruzione del Senato della Repubblica
Ore 17.45 - Discussion among pool of Associations of Forum Nazionale dei Giovani
Moderator: Marta Nicoletti - Agenzia Dire
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