Congratulations to ESN Roma LUISS, our Section in the Spotlight for October 2018! The Roman section has really hit the spot, organising an event that had books and culture as the main characters, anticipating this November’s Culture Weeks. The Erasmus students were invited to donate books to the LUISS Language Cafè library that have been then carefully wrapped up for this unique blind date. The only clues to help people choose were the language the book was written in and three adjectives written on the package. Then, on each book, was written the name of the donor, in the hope that a new friendship between the readers could rise up. The event, for which was also created a special hashtag, has been successful among both Erasmus and Italian students, for a total of 18 switched books and 34 donated books in Spanish, French, English, German and Italian; the guys of ESN Roma LUISS are hoping to repeat this initiative, inviting the Blind Exchangers to talk about this unique experience. The wonderful idea behind the “Blind Date Book Exchange” is to raise awareness among young people towards reading, reading without prejudices and reading to get to know cultures and histories from other countries, a reading that will provoke emotions as well as reflections.
The hope is that events like this one will inspire our Network and motivate the sections to invest on projects that show us how reading and culture are a combination that is not that far from the sparkling Erasmus world.
After all, and we quote, you can’t judge a book by its cover!
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