"Here they fought! 1914 – 1918 On the First World War Trail", the photographic exhibition carried out by Alessio Franconi and sponsored by ESN Italia, is reaching many new places being now an international success. The new edition, enriched by numerous shots representing the First World War battlefields in seven different nations, will be inaugurated on 14th November 2017 at 18:00 at the prestigious Commenda di Pré, a millenary building, part of the Museum of the Sea of Genoa and located in the old port.
The author elaborating on the spirit of the project commented: "In the recent years I went to the battlefields where young people fought a hundred years ago and among the rocks I found their bones still scattered. A rather gruesome and at the same time impressive scene. On certain occasions I was accompanied by Erasmus friends and in silence we pondered on the thought that our grandfathers were often fighting each other in the opposing trenches. Thinking of how different the experience of those young people was compared with the life of their present-day peers, I cannot avoid to underline the role of European Union to ovoid such kind of tragedies between EU countries. The descendants of those valiant fighters today can enjoy peace, study and work abroad, making Europe a more united continent."
ESN Italia shares the spirit and invites you to a visit of this touching exhibition.
The initiative gained permission to use the official logo of the First World War Centenary by the Bureu for the anniversaries of national interest of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers. It is also under the patronage of the European Commission and many other entities such as the Italian Alpine Club, the National Alpine Association, Erasmus Student Network Italy, the Tourism Agency Slovenia, the Committee Alpini Group Milano Centro Giulio Bedeschi, the Poti Miru v Posočju Foundation, The International Propeller Club - Port of Milan and the Historical White War Society.
In collaboration with:
Sea Museum | MU.MA, Museum of the Commenda, Association of Promoters of Sea and Navigation Museums, Solidarity and Labor Cooperative.
We thank the sponsor:
The Standard Syndicate.
And also the technical sponsors:
OmLog SA the Art of Logistics, Permajet professional inkjet media, Labitalia S.r.l., Euroleges Studio Legale.
The book:
The author's photographic work was collected in a publication of the important Hoepli publishing house. The book is not a simple catalogue, but it contains a historical introduction featuring vintage photographs, a time line of the Great War, a photographic portfolio, and finally an atlas with maps to help readers trace the sites of the Great War. The book will be presented at the Commenda on 25th (Saturday) November. The cover and outline of the book is available on the dedicated Hoepli web page.
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