A New Beginning for ESN International

ESN International news - Sat, 15/10/2016 - 11:13

On Friday 30th September, the Erasmus Student Network moved from its premises on Rue Hydraulique 15 to a new location on Rue Joseph II 120.

First established as the ESN House in 2005, the premises was repurposed to serve as the ESN Office, the official seat of the Erasmus Student Network.

On this occasion, we have documented the moving process in the form of a short film. Enjoy!

New ESN Office:

Rue Joseph II 120
Brussels 1000

Categories: ESN International

A New Beginning for ESN International

ESN International news - Sat, 15/10/2016 - 11:13

On Friday 30th September, the Erasmus Student Network moved from its premises on Rue Hydraulique 15 to a new location on Rue Jozef II 120.

First established as the ESN House in 2005, the premises was repurposed to serve as the ESN Office, the official seat of the Erasmus Student Network.

On this occasion, we have documented the moving process in the form of a short film. Enjoy!

New ESN Office:

Rue Jozef II 120
Brussels 1000

Categories: ESN International

EAIE2016: Student Perspective on Higher Education

ESN International news - Fri, 14/10/2016 - 16:44

In mid-September around 5000 higher education staff, researchers, students and service providers poured into Albert Dock in Liverpool, ready for a three day conference with the conference slogan “Imagine” as a theme. The conference hosts a packed agenda with back-to-back seminars, hour-long workshops, receptions and an all-day exhibition area, the EAIE manages to keep even the most prepared busy.

This year ESN had it’s biggest representation and visibility in comparison to previous years. With a delegation of seven, ESN participated as speakers and moderators in over a dussin of sessions. As one of very few student organisations present, our main aim is to set the student-perspective on top of the ongoing discussions and ensure that the student voice is heard and reflected upon.

This year ESN highlighted three important themes at the EAIE; Digitalisation of higher education with the Online Learning Agreement Project and Erasmus Without Paper; Accessibility of international mobility through MappED! Focusing on empowering and facilitating the opportunity of mobility exchanges for students with disabilities; HousErasmus+ that investigates the accessibility of affordable housing for international students and trainees in Europe.

All together we managed to reach over 1000 people through our sessions, posters and stand at the EAIE. This results wouldn’t have been possible without the collaboration with meaningful partners in ensuring that the student perspective got a platform at this years EAIE and in addressing the topic of the future of higher education in Europe.

Lastly we want to thank the EAIE, the European Commission, Times Higher Education, European University Foundation, Coimbra Group of Universities, Ghent University, University of Vigo, University of Warsaw, Karolinska Institutet, Politechnical University of Valencia, University of Cyprus, The Class of 2020, Uniplaces, U-Multirank for a great collaboration!


Categories: ESN International

EAIE2016: Student Perspective on Higher Education

ESN International news - Fri, 14/10/2016 - 16:44

In mid-September around 5000 higher education staff, researchers, students and service providers poured into Albert Dock in Liverpool, ready for a three day conference with the conference slogan “Imagine” as a theme. The conference hosts a packed agenda with back-to-back seminars, hour-long workshops, receptions and an all-day exhibition area, the EAIE manages to keep even the most prepared busy.

This year ESN had it’s biggest representation and visibility in comparison to previous years. With a delegation of seven, ESN participated as speakers and moderators in over a dussin of sessions. As one of very few student organisations present, our main aim is to set the student-perspective on top of the ongoing discussions and ensure that the student voice is heard and reflected upon.

This year ESN highlighted three important themes at the EAIE; Digitalisation of higher education with the Online Learning Agreement Project and Erasmus Without Paper; Accessibility of international mobility through MappED! Focusing on empowering and facilitating the opportunity of mobility exchanges for students with disabilities; HousErasmus+ that investigates the accessibility of affordable housing for international students and trainees in Europe.

All together we managed to reach over 1000 people through our sessions, posters and stand at the EAIE. This results wouldn’t have been possible without the collaboration with meaningful partners in ensuring that the student perspective got a platform at this years EAIE and in addressing the topic of the future of higher education in Europe.

Lastly we want to thank the EAIE, the European Commission, Times Higher Education, European University Foundation, Coimbra Group of Universities, Ghent University, University of Vigo, University of Warsaw, Karolinska Institutet, Politechnical University of Valencia, University of Cyprus, The Class of 2020, Uniplaces, U-Multirank for a great collaboration!


Categories: ESN International

Section in the Spotlight: ESN IBS

ESN International news - Mon, 03/10/2016 - 17:28

Can you smell rain and pumpkin spice latte in the air? We are back, and we have decided to watch leaves turn crunchy in the capital of Hungary. Say hello to our Section in the Spotlight for October: ESN IBS!

ESN IBS, a very new and young section, was born out of the cooperation with the Student Union of International Business School in 2013. There are more than 20 members in the section: 8 alumni members, 7 active mambers, 3 coordinators, and a newly elected Local Board which consists of a President, Vice-President and a Treasurer. The section has a very good understanding of the needs of their incoming Erasmus students because of two lucky coincidences—one of their members is also an Erasmus coordinator at their University, and 80% of members in their team are international students. How cool is that? 

They also have a very thorough recruitment process. They start by making promotional YouTube videos and flyers on why students should join their organization, then continue by sending invitations to students official University e-mail addresses who then proceed to apply for membership by submitting a Google form filled with various questions. Other than holding weekly and monthly meetings, they take care of their members by organizing teambuildings which they believe are an optimal tool for creating a friendly team, and in order to educate their members they organize trainings and workshops for that exact purpose.

Their University is kind enough to help them out financially by paying for their participation on national and international events. ESNcards and Vodafone cards also contribute to their fundraising, as well as monthly parties in collaboration with 10 other ESN sections in Budapest. As much as their Erasmus students love their nightly events, they also try to keep them entertained by organizing trips, outdoor activities and sport events. What makes their events so successful are the surveys they make in order to gather opinions and suggestions of Erasmus students, therefor including them in their work. They are involved in international projects of ESN as well, especially SocialErasmus and Mov’in Europe.

The news about their events are easily accessible to all students on their Facebook page, internal Facebook groups, Instagram account, website and a blog on the official website of International Business School. ESN IBS likes seeing local students attend their events, so their target group is all 900 students who study at the University. Impressive!

You want to hear something even more impressive? They made contact with ESN Azerbaijan in Baku and made an event called “Make a first step with ESN” for which they made a presentation on how to launch a new section and become a part of ESN, and in the process reached all the Universities in Baku. They are currently planning trips for ESN members from Budapest to Azerbaijan, and the other way around, for the purpose of knowledge exchange. What an amazing example of section cooperation!

Their members are present at every national and international event, and their main motivator is experience. They undertand that more experience leads to better communication, team work, organizational and other skills.

They are a very multicultural section, since there are only few section members who are actually Hungarian. All other members came from different parts of the world to study at their international University. They are full-time international students dealing with part-time international students, and in that they are unique.

“We are more aware of differences in cultures, and we have experience in working with international students. Our University is international which means our help is even more needed.”

ESN IBS is a fast growing section with motivated, hardworking members and ambitious ideas. We expect nothing but greatness from them.

written by Tajana Mohnacki


Categories: ESN International

Section in the Spotlight: ESN IBS

ESN International news - Mon, 03/10/2016 - 17:28

Can you smell rain and pumpkin spice latte in the air? We are back, and we have decided to watch leaves turn crunchy in the capital of Hungary. Say hello to our Section in the Spotlight for October: ESN IBS!

ESN IBS, a very new and young section, was born out of the cooperation with the Student Union of International Business School in 2013. There are more than 20 members in the section: 8 alumni members, 7 active mambers, 3 coordinators, and a newly elected Local Board which consists of a President, Vice-President and a Treasurer. The section has a very good understanding of the needs of their incoming Erasmus students because of two lucky coincidences—one of their members is also an Erasmus coordinator at their University, and 80% of members in their team are international students. How cool is that? 

They also have a very thorough recruitment process. They start by making promotional YouTube videos and flyers on why students should join their organization, then continue by sending invitations to students official University e-mail addresses who then proceed to apply for membership by submitting a Google form filled with various questions. Other than holding weekly and monthly meetings, they take care of their members by organizing teambuildings which they believe are an optimal tool for creating a friendly team, and in order to educate their members they organize trainings and workshops for that exact purpose.

Their University is kind enough to help them out financially by paying for their participation on national and international events. ESNcards and Vodafone cards also contribute to their fundraising, as well as monthly parties in collaboration with 10 other ESN sections in Budapest. As much as their Erasmus students love their nightly events, they also try to keep them entertained by organizing trips, outdoor activities and sport events. What makes their events so successful are the surveys they make in order to gather opinions and suggestions of Erasmus students, therefor including them in their work. They are involved in international projects of ESN as well, especially SocialErasmus and Mov’in Europe.

The news about their events are easily accessible to all students on their Facebook page, internal Facebook groups, Instagram account, website and a blog on the official website of International Business School. ESN IBS likes seeing local students attend their events, so their target group is all 900 students who study at the University. Impressive!

You want to hear something even more impressive? They made contact with ESN Azerbaijan in Baku and made an event called “Make a first step with ESN” for which they made a presentation on how to launch a new section and become a part of ESN, and in the process reached all the Universities in Baku. They are currently planning trips for ESN members from Budapest to Azerbaijan, and the other way around, for the purpose of knowledge exchange. What an amazing example of section cooperation!

Their members are present at every national and international event, and their main motivator is experience. They undertand that more experience leads to better communication, team work, organizational and other skills.

They are a very multicultural section, since there are only few section members who are actually Hungarian. All other members came from different parts of the world to study at their international University. They are full-time international students dealing with part-time international students, and in that they are unique.

“We are more aware of differences in cultures, and we have experience in working with international students. Our University is international which means our help is even more needed.”

ESN IBS is a fast growing section with motivated, hardworking members and ambitious ideas. We expect nothing but greatness from them.

written by Tajana Mohnacki


Categories: ESN International

Erasmus Student Network Italia - Ottobre

ESN Italia Newsletter - Mon, 03/10/2016 - 10:12
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Grazie alla battaglia #GenerazioneSenzaVoto, condotta da Erasmus Student Network Italia, anche la Generazione Erasmus può esprimere il proprio voto dall'estero, tramite corrispondenza, basta iscriversi! Per poter esercitare il proprio diritto di voto, in occasione del Referendum Costituzionale del prossimo 4 dicembre, è necessario compilare l’apposito modulo - disponibile sul nostro sito - corredato di tutti i documenti necessari. La richiesta deve essere inoltrata al comune presso cui si è residenti, c’è tempo fino all'8 ottobre!
Votare è un diritto per ogni cittadino italiano, non perdere l’opportunità di poterlo esercitare.


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  • III° Piattaforma Nazionale 2016
    7-9 ottobre, Parma
  • SEEP Pescara 2016,
    20-23 ottobre, Pescara

Incontro Culturale Erasmus

Presto al via le iscrizioni al grande appuntamento autunnale di ESN Italia: l’Incontro Culturale Erasmus (ICE) 2016 si terrà anche quest’anno a Roma, dal 11 al 13 novembre.Come sempre, l’evento si aprirà con una conferenza che verterà sul tema della mobilità, per poi lasciare spazio alle attività organizzate per gli studenti Erasmus: tour guidati, musei, SocialErasmus e, naturalmente, un po’ di divertimento!



Il Tuo Erasmus con ESN: ecco i vincitori

Sono stati annunciati i vincitori della quarta edizione di “Il Tuo Erasmus Con ESN”, concorso annualmente indetto da ESN Italia per studenti in partenza per un periodo di mobilità. I nomi: Giulia Clarizia (Università degli Studi Roma Tre), Eugenio Tamassia (Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia), Enrico Maria Mazzieri (Università degli Studi di Macerata), Francesca Piscione (Università degli Studi di Milano – Bicocca). Congratulazioni a tutti!


Buon compleanno, Parma!

ESN-ASSI Parma, sede legale di ESN Italia, compie 25 anni, e festeggerà con tutto il network italiano ospitando la terza piattaforma nazionale del 2016. Un quarto di secolo, in cammino verso un futuro radioso. Auguri!





Sei sempre in viaggio e non sai come destreggiarti tra le valigie? Grazie a Packlink, spostarsi non è più un problema: in tre semplici click potrai spedire in tutta Europa, con riduzioni fino al 70% sulle normali tariffe di spedizione! Inserisce il codice ESN2016 per uno sconto del 5%, e non è finita qui! Registrando la tua ESNcard, potrai ottenere uno sconto aggiuntivo del 7% su tutte le spedizioni internazionali! Qual è la tua prossima destinazione?


--> Section In The Spotlight di Ottobre è... ESN Chieti-Pescara!
  ESN ASE Chieti – Pescara nasce nell’ottobre del 2010 da un gruppo di ex-Erasmus che condividono la mission di aiutare gli student internazionali durante il loro soggiorno in Italia. Ben strutturata e solida, è con grande entusiasmo che la sezione entra a far parte del Network di ESN già nel 2011. Oltre alle attività ordinarie (tandem, viaggi, escursioni) ESN ASE Chieti – Pescara può vantare l’organizzazione della prossima SEEP (South-East European Platform) che si terrà dal 20 al 24 ottobre in terra abruzzese riunendo le Sezioni ESN dei Paesi del Sud Est Europa.
L’Università degli Studi “G. D’Annunzio” e il Comune di Pescara sono pronti per accogliere gli studenti che arriveranno da tutti i Paesi del Mediterraneo orientale, per un evento che sarà ricordato come l’unica SEEP organizzata da una Sezione italiana.
  ESN Italia è l'acronimo di Erasmus Student Network Italia, il livello italiano del network ESN, un'associazione europea di studenti universitari il cui scopo è promuovere e supportare gli scambi internazionali fra studenti, attraverso il principio  "Students Helping Students".

ESN Italia è composta da oltre 20.000 soci distribuiti su 49 sezioni locali, con una presenza molto ampia sul territorio nazionale. Erasmus Student Network Italia

Sede Legale presso E.S.N.-A.S.S.I. Parma 
c/o Servizio Scambi Didattici Internazionali
Università degli Studi di Parma
Via Università, 12
43121 Parma ITALY

info@esn.it _ board@esn.it

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Categories: ESN Italia Newsletter

Open Call: Administrator ESN AISBL

ESN International news - Thu, 29/09/2016 - 17:04

The Erasmus Student Network (ESN) is Europe’s biggest student organisation, present in more than 500 Higher Education Institutions in 39 European countries. Our aim is to support and develop student mobility and the internationalisation of higher education, through providing services and opportunities to students.
The Headquarters are responsible for managing the Network, developing and implementing new projects and advocating for student mobility and internationalisation of higher education. The Network is led by the International Board of ESN, which is supported by the Secretariat.

The Board of ESN International, based in Brussels, is looking for an Administrator starting as soon as possible. The position is crucial for the work of ESN Headquarter and it requires flexibility and adaptability skills.

Job description

Office Management – 30 % (Report to the Director)

  • Support to general administration (answering phone, door, e-mail ets.);
  • Assist the Director with external services, for example the Moniteur Belge updates;
  • Contact with the post service and other providers;
  • Translation (EN-FR-EN);
  • Assistance to Board Members with administration, travel arrangements, documentation, and data gathering;
  • Supervision of the office maintenance and supplies. 

Orders management – 30 % (Report to the Treasurer) 

  • Assist the treasurer in the distribution of ESNcard and other promotional material to ESN members;
  • Manage the webshop and provide ESN gadgets to ESN members;
  • Regular planning of gadgets ordering sessions with ESN staff and management of International shipments.

Network Administrative Management – 25 % (Report to the Vice-President)

  • Extensive use of internal database to keep track of ESN members; 
  • Keep update information on ESN members and participate in the improvement of IT tools for members;
  • Reply to membership enquiries and implement smooth internal communication with ESN members;
  • Follow payments of membership fees and payments deadlines closely according to ESN Statutes.

Other tasks – 15 % (Report to the Director and the Project coordinators)

  • Assistance with the other organisational needs, for example statutory events, project conferences and internal receptions.


  • Minimum of a Bachelor degree
  • You have working experience of at least three years
  • You are fluent in French (mother tongue level or equivalent) and have a very good command of English
  • Experience in logistics, planning and follow-up

Professional and technical competencies:

  • You have a very good knowledge of all Office Tools (Word, Excel, PowerPoint etc.) and Google Apps
  • You feel comfortable working with different IT and web management tools

Personal attributes and values:

  • You work in a very precise and organized way
  • You are capable of taking initiative and finding solutions to challenges
  • You can work in a team as well as on your own and learn quickly
  • You feel comfortable in an international and multicultural environment
    • strong interpersonal skills
    • very good organisational and time management skills
    • flexibility 
Highly valued
  • Experience in a European Network
  • Knowledge of ESN projects 
  • Experience of volunteering or work in NGO
Term and conditions
  • Full time position (38 hours/week)
  • One year contract with the opportunity of extension
  • €1.900 brutto monthly salary
  • Transportation partly covered as by Belgian law
  • Health insurance reimbursed

Please send your motivation letter and CV to applications@esn.org. Please use the subject line “Administrator”

Deadline for the application is Sunday, 9th of October, 23:59 CET, but we encourage you to send it in as soon as possible. 

Interviews will be scheduled and carried out on a rolling basis.

Please don't hesitate to contact us in case you have any additional questions regarding the position. 

Categories: ESN International

Open Call: EVS Projects and Events Supporter

ESN International news - Fri, 23/09/2016 - 17:35

The Erasmus Student Network (ESN) is the largest network of student associations in Europe, with its international headquarters in Brussels. ESN is present in over 500 Higher Education Institutions in 39 countries. ESN has been supporting student mobility since 1989.

The international headquarters in Brussels is looking for an EVS* Projects and Events Supporter, starting in January 2017 and staying for 6 months. That person will work on supporting ESN’s various projects, both internal (e.g. Mov’in Europe, SocialErasmus and ExchangeAbility) and external, as well as supporting the work of the international event coordinators. For more information about ESN’s projects, see esn.org/projects.

An overview of the tasks can be found below but are also flexible to fit the skills, expertise and needs of the chosen applicant in order for them to learn and make the most out of the experience. In ESN, we aim to foster an innovative environment and welcome creativity and new initiatives coming from the volunteer.

Terms and conditions
  • EVS volunteer contract for a duration of 6 months;
  • The successful applicant should start in early January 2017;
  • 17 - 30 years old;
  • Accommodation provided;
  • Transport costs in Brussels are covered;
  • Insurance is covered;
  • Transport to and from Brussels in the beginning/end of the stay is covered;
  • A monthly allowance is provided, according to the respective EVS allocation;
  • Language classes and training opportunities during working hours.
Desired skills and experience
  • Proficiency in both written and spoken English;
  • Familiarity and experience with the internal projects of ESN;
  • Experience in a volunteer-led organisation;
  • Structured and reliable way of working;
  • Able to take own initiative;
  • Familiarity and past attendance/organisation of international ESN events is a plus.
Main tasks and responsibilities
  • Support ESN's international projects, including planning, logistics, communication and documentation, especially regarding their events;
  • Support ESN's international events, especially with regards to helping update the supporting documents and approaches towards event organisers and chairing teams;
  • Support the ESN Board and Secretariat with other tasks that might arise.

*European Voluntary Service
The European Voluntary Service (EVS) is an EU-funded programme in which volunteers from one country can go and volunteer in another. Please note that the selected EVS volunteer will have to have support of an accredited “sending organisation” and that ESN strongly recommends applicants to start searching for this already at the stage of application. Also note that this position is conditional on the EVS funding being awarded to ESN; ESN will do its best to ensure this, but unfortunately ESN cannot guarantee the position at this point.

In order to apply, please send a CV and motivation letter to applications@esn.org no later than 28th September, 23:59 CET. The subject of the email should be “EVS” followed by your first and last names. Interviews will be held on a rolling basis and will be held at the latest on the 29th of September. We apologise for the very short notice.
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact director@esn.org and vicepresident@esn.org.

Categories: ESN International

ESN at EAIE Liverpool 2016!

ESN International news - Wed, 07/09/2016 - 17:36

As is tradition, the Erasmus Student Network will be present at this year's Annual EAIE Conference and Exhibition, taking place in Liverpool from 13th to 16th September.

With 7 representatives present in Liverpool, ESN will be sharing its expertise and providing the student perspective on Erasmus+, student mobility and the internationalisation of higher education.

In addition, ESN, together with our friends from the European University Foundation, will be present at Booth 801 of the EAIE Exhibition, where we will be giving first-hand demonstrations of the Online Learning Agreement.

Here are our representatives and the sessions they are speaking in:

Safi Sabuni

What is English-medium instruction like for students?
Erasmus+: Looking Back, Moving Forward
Erasmus+ Barometer 2014-2015 Results




Matthew Clemo

#Languages4life: Boosting the Erasmus+ Experience with the Online Linguistic Support





Gaffar Rampage
Communication Manager

Erasmus Goes Digital: The Online Learning Agreement & Erasmus Without Paper
SocialErasmus: Providing a Holistic Mobile Student Experience Through Volunteering




Thomas Pappas
Web Project Administrator

Ignite! Mobility-Disability: A Bilateral Relationship
Tackling Obstacles to International Mobility for Students with Disabilities
Accessibility, MappED!: Increasing Mobility Among Disabled Students



Jérémy Apert
Project Coordinator

HousErasmus+: Driving Affordable Housing for International Students





Mikuláš Josek
Project Coordinator

How International-Friendly is your University? The Exchange Student Perspective





Adriana Pérez

How International-Friendly is your University? The Exchange Student Perspective





Founded in 1989, the European Association for International Education (EAIE) is the acknowledged European centre for expertise, networking and resources in the internationalisation of higher education. The Annual EAIE Conference and Exhibition is Europe's premier meeting point for international higher education professionals, attracting upwards of 5,000 participants each year. This year's edition takes place in Liverpool, UK.

Find out more at EAIE.org.

Categories: ESN International

ESN at EAIE Liverpool 2016!

ESN International news - Wed, 07/09/2016 - 17:36

As is tradition, the Erasmus Student Network will be present at this year's Annual EAIE Conference and Exhibition, taking place in Liverpool from 13th to 16th September.

With 7 representatives present in Liverpool, ESN will be sharing its expertise and providing the student perspective on Erasmus+, student mobility and the internationalisation of higher education.

In addition, ESN, together with our friends from the European University Foundation, will be present at Booth 801 of the EAIE Exhibition, where we will be giving first-hand demonstrations of the Online Learning Agreement.

Here are our representatives and the sessions they are speaking in:

Safi Sabuni

What is English-medium instruction like for students?
Erasmus+: Looking Back, Moving Forward
Erasmus+ Barometer 2014-2015 Results




Matthew Clemo

#Languages4life: Boosting the Erasmus+ Experience with the Online Linguistic Support





Gaffar Rampage
Communication Manager

Erasmus Goes Digital: The Online Learning Agreement & Erasmus Without Paper
SocialErasmus: Providing a Holistic Mobile Student Experience Through Volunteering




Thomas Pappas
Web Project Administrator

Ignite! Mobility-Disability: A Bilateral Relationship
Tackling Obstacles to International Mobility for Students with Disabilities
Accessibility, MappED!: Increasing Mobility Among Disabled Students



Jérémy Apert
Project Coordinator

HousErasmus+: Driving Affordable Housing for International Students





Mikuláš Josek
Project Coordinator

How International-Friendly is your University? The Exchange Student Perspective





Adriana Pérez

How International-Friendly is your University? The Exchange Student Perspective





Founded in 1989, the European Association for International Education (EAIE) is the acknowledged European centre for expertise, networking and resources in the internationalisation of higher education. The Annual EAIE Conference and Exhibition is Europe's premier meeting point for international higher education professionals, attracting upwards of 5,000 participants each year. This year's edition takes place in Liverpool, UK.

Find out more at EAIE.org.

Categories: ESN International

Erasmus Student Network Italia - Settembre

ESN Italia Newsletter - Sat, 03/09/2016 - 10:15
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Giornata Nazionale della Mobilità

Il 5 settembre 2016 avrà luogo presso la sede del Ministero dell'Istruzione, Università e Ricerca (MIUR) a Roma la "Giornata Nazionale della Mobilità", realizzata in collaborazione con il Ministero e l'Agenzia Nazionale Erasmus+/INDIRE. Parteciperanno rappresentati da tutte le sezioni locali di ESN Italia insieme agli Uffici di Relazioni Internazionali delle diverse università italiane, prendendo parte a workshop e dibattiti riguardanti il programma Erasmus+ e i suoi possibili sviluppi futuri. Nel corso della giornata, sono previsti gli interventi di Safi Sabuni e Matthew Clemo, rispettivamente Presidente e Vicepresidente di Erasmus Student Network International.


Website Facebook Twitter Instagram



  • Giornata Nazionale della Mobilità 
    5 settembre, Roma.



Erasmus Welcome Days

L’inizio dell’anno accademico è sinonimo di Erasmus Welcome Days, giornate dedicate all’accoglienza degli studenti Erasmus.
In collaborazione con istituzioni e partner commerciali, i Welcome Days prevedono di un momento ufficiale di presentazione, cui seguono attività quali city tour, aperitivi e momenti di aggregazione. Obiettivo: fare conoscere l’università, la città, ESN e le sue attività.



Il sole estivo deve ancora salutarci, ma settembre richiama tutta la nostra attenzione con la sua impegnativa, ma entusiasmante To-Do List. In cima alla lista, una delle priorità è senz’altro presentare ESN Italia e le sue attività a tutti gli studenti locali, offrendo loro l’opportunità di iniziare una nuova avventura, targata ESN. WhyESN?... WhyNot?!



Responsible Party

Divertirsi con stile, ma con moderazione: ESN e Pernod Ricard sono impegnati ormai da tempo in un progetto volto a promuovere un consumo consapevole dell'alcool tra i giovani europei. Come comportarsi in caso di eccessi? E come evitarli? Compila anche tu il nostro rapido questionario: in palio per te un Interrail!





Sei sempre in viaggio e non sai come destreggiarti tra le valigie? Grazie a Packlink, spostarsi non è più un problema: in tre semplici click potrai spedire in tutta Europa, con riduzioni fino al 70% sulle normali tariffe di spedizione! Inserisce il codice ESN2016 per uno sconto del 5%, e non è finita qui! Registrando la tua ESNcard, potrai ottenere uno sconto aggiuntivo del 7% su tutte le spedizioni internazionali! Qual è la tua prossima destinazione?


--> ESN Italia è l'acronimo di Erasmus Student Network Italia, il livello italiano del network ESN, un'associazione europea di studenti universitari il cui scopo è promuovere e supportare gli scambi internazionali fra studenti, attraverso il principio  "Students Helping Students".

ESN Italia è composta da oltre 20.000 soci distribuiti su 49 sezioni locali, con una presenza molto ampia sul territorio nazionale. Erasmus Student Network Italia

Sede Legale presso E.S.N.-A.S.S.I. Parma 
c/o Servizio Scambi Didattici Internazionali
Università degli Studi di Parma
Via Università, 12
43121 Parma ITALY

info@esn.it _ board@esn.it

unsubscribe from this list  Website Facebook Twitter Instagram
Categories: ESN Italia Newsletter

Open Call: Digital Marketing Intern

ESN International news - Tue, 30/08/2016 - 11:54

The Erasmus Student Network (ESN) is the largest network of student associations in Europe, with its international headquarters in Brussels. ESN is present in over 500 Higher Education Institutions in 39 countries. ESN has been supporting student mobility since 1989. As part of its fundraising strategy, ESN partners up with a range of international companies to offer advantages to our members.

The international headquarters in Brussels is looking for a Digital Marketing Intern starting ideally on the 1st of October. That person will support the Partnership Manager with the purpose of facilitating his tasks in the area of marketing and, at the same time, learn about the latest digital marketing trends in the market and the business perspective of NGOs.

Terms and conditions
  • Internship for a duration of 6 months;
  • The successful applicant should start ideally on the 1st of October (to be discussed at the interview);
  • Must have an Erasmus Placement or any Internship Agreement;
  • Accommodation at the ESN house in Brussels is provided;
  • Transport costs in Brussels are covered.
  • Balanced creative and analytical mindset;
  • Data-driven marketer;
  • Likes to work in teams and feels comfortable in a multicultural environment;
  • Both B2C and B2B oriented;
  • Passionate about marketing, social media and advertising;
  • Willingness to learn.
  • Bachelor degree in Business Management, Marketing, Communication, PR or related;
  • Comfortable in both written and spoken English;
  • Proficient user of the Office package, especially Excel or any other spreadsheet.
Main tasks
  • Research, planning and execution of marketing campaigns and communication plans for commercial partners;
  • Content creation and edition on social media and newsletter campaigns with commercial content;
  • Assistance in the optimization of the traffic on ESNcard.org via SEO (Search Engine Optimization), link building, SEM (Search Engine Marketing), SMM (Social Media Marketing) and remarketing processes, as our main commercial tool;
  • Assistance in the tracking, evaluation, analysis and reporting of marketing actions and the general performance of ESN’s communication channels;
  • Pro-active role on the engagement strategy of our social media channels;
  • Provide support to the Partnership Manager, Project Teams and the rest of the ESN Office when needed.
Why internship at the ESN Headquarters
  • Casual, friendly, multicultural environment;
  • Professional business approach of NGOs;
  • Work using latest tools and following the latest trends on digital marketing;
  • Additional training opportunities in marketing and other fields of interest.

To apply, you are encouraged to use the erasmusintern.org website. Alternatively, please send a short motivation letter and CV to applications@esn.org by the 8th of September 2016 at 23:59 CET. Interviews, either in Brussels or via Skype will be conducted with the shortlisted applicants.

For questions regarding the position, please do not hesitate to contact ESN’s Partnership Manager Hugo at partnership@esn.org (for content-related questions) or Director Rasmus at director@esn.org (for technical/administrative questions).

Attachment Files:  20160830 Open Call - Digital Marketing Intern.pdf
Categories: ESN International

Open Call: Graphic Designer

ESN International news - Tue, 30/08/2016 - 11:54

The Erasmus Student Network (ESN) is the largest network of student associations in Europe, with its international headquarters in Brussels. ESN is present in over 500 Higher Education Institutions in 39 countries. ESN has been supporting student mobility since 1989.

The international headquarters in Brussels is looking for a Graphic Designer, starting ideally in September 2016. The employee will work in cooperation with the Communication Manager of ESN to support the organisation’s visual communication needs, primarily in web design and publications design. He/she will also be involved in a number of ESN’s projects, many of which are done in close collaboration with project partners from other countries.

Terms and conditions
  • Full-time position;
  • One-year contract from September 2016 to August 2017;
  • Salary €2100 per month gross;
  • Transport costs in Brussels are partly covered according to Belgian legislation;
  • Casual, friendly and international work environment.
Main tasks and responsibilities
  • Coordination and design of ESN’s range of publications;
  • Conceptualising, proposing and designing of ESN web pages;
  • General communication and project support for ESN International.
Required skills and expertise
  • Background in communication, graphic design or similar fields;
  • Demonstrable design skills with a strong portfolio;
  • Advanced proficiency in Adobe Suite tools (Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign);
  • Experience with UI, UX and web design;
  • Knowledge of project management and coordination;
  • Very good knowledge of written English;
  • Flexibility with working hours;
  • Quick learner with a structured way of working;
  • Able to work in a team but also to take own initiatives and work independently;
  • Able to prioritise and handle several concurrent projects.
Highly valued
  • Experience in a European network;
  • Experience in front-end web development (HTML/CSS/JS);
  • Previous experience and knowledge of the European dimension of higher education;
  • Knowledge of ESN and its projects.

To apply, please send a motivation letter, CV and a portfolio of relevant work to applications@esn.org by 18th September 2016, 23:59 CET. Interviews, either at our office in Brussels or via Skype, will be conducted as soon as we find potential applicants.  Please use the subject line “Graphic Designer”.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any additional questions regarding the position. For more information on ESN’s projects, see http://esn.org/projects.

Attachment Files:  20160830 Open Call - Graphic Designer.pdf
Categories: ESN International

Karma pays back: 16 kind students rewarded

ESN International news - Mon, 29/08/2016 - 12:50


Uniplaces, the fastest growing online booking platform for student accommodation, has announced the 16 students who will be awarded the Uniplaces Scholarship.


Winners came from all over the world, including Macedonia, Romania, Russia and Croatia. The country with the greatest number of winners was also one of the countries with the most applicants: Spain. Brazil, with 3 winners, and Mexico, with 2, were the runner-up countries.


The winners were chosen by a judge panel that included members of the Erasmus Student Network, European Youth Card Association, The Class of 2020, UNICA and a student from the University of Porto who is part of the Uniplaces Ambassador Programme. The panel was looking for the fifteen most original and authentic applications: As one application was split by two students, they ended up finding 16 winners!


The Uniplaces Scholarship: One of a kind

The Uniplaces Scholarship is one that rewards kindness instead of physical skills, good grades or a specific heritage. For a chance to win the Scholarship, Uniplaces asked students to tell them how they helped other students with a one-off action or continuously.  


Students from anywhere in the world could apply for the Scholarship to live rent-free for a whole semester, which will undoubtedly help with the mounting costs of university. To win this scholarship, students had to submit their applications on scholarship.uniplaces.com.


The winners, most of them international students, are going to be studying all over Europe, in countries such as France, Germany, the Netherlands and Spain - but also Portugal, Slovenia and Hungary. The furthest destination among the winners will be the USA.


And the World’s Kindest University is:

Uniplaces will be rewarding the University of Porto as the World’s Kindest University. As one of the largest, oldest and most well-regarded universities of Portugal, it had the highest number of applications. 22 kind students had valid applications for the Uniplaces Scholarship in the third edition alone. To reward the University of Porto, one member from the student body was flown to Brussels and invited to take part in the jury panel.


The universities of Bocconi (14 applicants), Vigo (9) and Bologna (8) were the closest runner-ups to the World’s Kindest University.


From left to right: Saniya Giniatullina (Uniplaces), Jovana Stankovich (Erasmus Student Network), Dominique Montagnese (UNICA) and Bruno Cunha (Uniplaces Ambassador and Student Representative from the University of Porto).


Past Uniplaces Scholarships


This is the third edition of the Uniplaces Scholarship. Past winners have had their accommodation paid in places such as Singapore, Sydney, New York and Paris.


2015 Scholarship winner Radoslaw Czekan commented: “This was the opportunity to live my dreams. The Scholarship enormously increased my studies in Lisbon and helped me to focus more on my passion and travelling. Awesome!”


Similarly, Mia Santic said: "This Scholarship made my life 10 times better.”


Uniplaces co-founder Miguel Amaro said:


“We’re thrilled to be able to offer more scholarships every year. As Uniplaces grows, we’ll surely be investing more and more into breaking down barriers for students all over the world, in the Scholarship and other initiatives. The Uniplaces Scholarship really seems to strike a chord with students. We’ve always seen such great levels of participation from students all around the world every single time, and it keeps growing. We might be looking at ways in which we can make this even more interesting for the next edition!”.

Categories: ESN International

Karma pays back: 16 kind students rewarded

ESN International news - Mon, 29/08/2016 - 12:50


Uniplaces, the fastest growing online booking platform for student accommodation, has announced the 16 students who will be awarded the Uniplaces Scholarship.


Winners came from all over the world, including Macedonia, Romania, Russia and Croatia. The country with the greatest number of winners was also one of the countries with the most applicants: Spain. Brazil, with 3 winners, and Mexico, with 2, were the runner-up countries.


The winners were chosen by a judge panel that included members of the Erasmus Student Network, European Youth Card Association, The Class of 2020, UNICA and a student from the University of Porto who is part of the Uniplaces Ambassador Programme. The panel was looking for the fifteen most original and authentic applications: As one application was split by two students, they ended up finding 16 winners!


The Uniplaces Scholarship: One of a kind

The Uniplaces Scholarship is one that rewards kindness instead of physical skills, good grades or a specific heritage. For a chance to win the Scholarship, Uniplaces asked students to tell them how they helped other students with a one-off action or continuously.  


Students from anywhere in the world could apply for the Scholarship to live rent-free for a whole semester, which will undoubtedly help with the mounting costs of university. To win this scholarship, students had to submit their applications on scholarship.uniplaces.com.


The winners, most of them international students, are going to be studying all over Europe, in countries such as France, Germany, the Netherlands and Spain - but also Portugal, Slovenia and Hungary. The furthest destination among the winners will be the USA.


And the World’s Kindest University is:

Uniplaces will be rewarding the University of Porto as the World’s Kindest University. As one of the largest, oldest and most well-regarded universities of Portugal, it had the highest number of applications. 22 kind students had valid applications for the Uniplaces Scholarship in the third edition alone. To reward the University of Porto, one member from the student body was flown to Brussels and invited to take part in the jury panel.


The universities of Bocconi (14 applicants), Vigo (9) and Bologna (8) were the closest runner-ups to the World’s Kindest University.


From left to right: Saniya Giniatullina (Uniplaces), Jovana Stankovich (Erasmus Student Network), Dominique Montagnese (UNICA) and Bruno Cunha (Uniplaces Ambassador and Student Representative from the University of Porto).


Past Uniplaces Scholarships


This is the third edition of the Uniplaces Scholarship. Past winners have had their accommodation paid in places such as Singapore, Sydney, New York and Paris.


2015 Scholarship winner Radoslaw Czekan commented: “This was the opportunity to live my dreams. The Scholarship enormously increased my studies in Lisbon and helped me to focus more on my passion and travelling. Awesome!”


Similarly, Mia Santic said: "This Scholarship made my life 10 times better.”


Uniplaces co-founder Miguel Amaro said:


“We’re thrilled to be able to offer more scholarships every year. As Uniplaces grows, we’ll surely be investing more and more into breaking down barriers for students all over the world, in the Scholarship and other initiatives. The Uniplaces Scholarship really seems to strike a chord with students. We’ve always seen such great levels of participation from students all around the world every single time, and it keeps growing. We might be looking at ways in which we can make this even more interesting for the next edition!”.

Categories: ESN International

Students Surveying Students!

ESN International news - Wed, 03/08/2016 - 15:36

The average number of respondents in a cross-cultural study doesn’t usually exceed 500. So how could a research project done by volunteers of the Erasmus Student Network get 25.000 responses?

The simple answer would be that it’s conducted by a large student network, the biggest in Europe with more than 500 local associations in 39 European countries. Indeed, spreading a questionnaire through such a network creates the expectation of a great amount of answers, but it’s not just any questionnaire that can be sent through the Network and expected to have the same outreach.

ESN’s network has a memory; certain projects work longer and although research isn’t the top activity in terms of popularity, the fact that the ESNsurvey project has existed for 11 years, gained recognition amongst stakeholders and supported ESN in its claims, encourages many of the volunteers commit to it. And in a volunteer organisation, commitment is what it’s all about.

This year’s topic is “international-friendliness”, and the aim is to explore the role of host-university services, academic support, intercultural contact and friendship networks in the resulting satisfaction with the study abroad experience. The collection phase has been completed, with the results soon to come in the ESNsurvey 2016 Report.

Dissemination through a snowball research strategy gets a totally new twist today with social networks in play. Click join, share or like, add a hashtag, support it by a video, create a profile picture template and you’re on to reaching out to thousands of people. Although disseminating a questionnaire online makes it impossible to calculate a rate of return, it makes it possible to get a return that counts.

It’s understandable that volunteers of ESN help in promoting the questionnaire because they know the project and the people behind it. For them, participating in such a project even helps the cooperation with their university, as it shows that they care about the problems international students might face.

But how about the Erasmus students that the survey targets? What convinces them to take 20 minutes of their free time and voluntarily bite through a questionnaire of 65 questions? The answer: the Erasmus experience. It's such a powerful life experience that most students upon return have a certain need to talk about it and to express what they experienced. The emotions connected with spending a study period abroad are simply a driving force that raises attention to anything connected to Erasmus, even a questionnaire.

Going abroad, leaving your relatives and friends behind, jumping into something totally unknown, and doing this all on your own isn’t easy. But if you’re welcomed by a local buddy, who helps you to cope with the first days, introduces you to other friends and takes you to some of the first events at your new campus, it makes the whole experience less stressful. Many of the buddies are members of ESN and many of the activities are organised by local ESN associations. Homecoming students might recall the help they received and might see that by spending 20 minutes of their time to fill in a questionnaire, they could actually help future students to have an even better experience. Also, the fact that it’s students who are asking the questions somehow raises the motivation to participate. It’s not a company, not your school, not the national agency, nor the European Union, it’s people of the same generation, the Erasmus generation, asking about your Erasmus. It’s easier to imagine who’s behind the project as the questions come from people who lived a similar experience.

The questions are sometimes tricky to design. Although homecoming students are expected to understand the survey in English, keeping the formulations short and understandable is a must. Some standardised scales with academically formulated questions that were initially planned to be used, simply didn’t make it through the pilot study. Other questions didn’t make the cut because they weren’t relevant for all countries involved or would mean something else in a different context. For the first time, the ESNsurvey project succeeded in reaching the target group of local non-mobile students, who have never been abroad. In order to collect answers from this group, which might lack foreign language skills, the questionnaire had only 29 questions and was translated in 9 other languages.

The weird and shivering beauty of the Erasmus experience is that although Europe is so diverse in all its countries, ethnic groups and languages, which generally makes the creation of a cross-cultural survey difficult, the core of the experience is similar. It seems like it doesn’t depend on where someone spends their Erasmus, because they can always end up with people from all around the world, who are all on the same journey. This "unity in diversity” bonds people together regardless of their differences.

Written by Mikuláš Josek
ESNsurvey 2016 Coordinator

Categories: ESN International

Students Surveying Students!

ESN International news - Wed, 03/08/2016 - 15:36

The average number of respondents in a cross-cultural study doesn’t usually exceed 500. So how could a research project done by volunteers of the Erasmus Student Network get 25.000 responses?

The simple answer would be that it’s conducted by a large student network, the biggest in Europe with more than 500 local associations in 39 European countries. Indeed, spreading a questionnaire through such a network creates the expectation of a great amount of answers, but it’s not just any questionnaire that can be sent through the Network and expected to have the same outreach.

ESN’s network has a memory; certain projects work longer and although research isn’t the top activity in terms of popularity, the fact that the ESNsurvey project has existed for 11 years, gained recognition amongst stakeholders and supported ESN in its claims, encourages many of the volunteers commit to it. And in a volunteer organisation, commitment is what it’s all about.

This year’s topic is “international-friendliness”, and the aim is to explore the role of host-university services, academic support, intercultural contact and friendship networks in the resulting satisfaction with the study abroad experience. The collection phase has been completed, with the results soon to come in the ESNsurvey 2016 Report.

Dissemination through a snowball research strategy gets a totally new twist today with social networks in play. Click join, share or like, add a hashtag, support it by a video, create a profile picture template and you’re on to reaching out to thousands of people. Although disseminating a questionnaire online makes it impossible to calculate a rate of return, it makes it possible to get a return that counts.

It’s understandable that volunteers of ESN help in promoting the questionnaire because they know the project and the people behind it. For them, participating in such a project even helps the cooperation with their university, as it shows that they care about the problems international students might face.

But how about the Erasmus students that the survey targets? What convinces them to take 20 minutes of their free time and voluntarily bite through a questionnaire of 65 questions? The answer: the Erasmus experience. It's such a powerful life experience that most students upon return have a certain need to talk about it and to express what they experienced. The emotions connected with spending a study period abroad are simply a driving force that raises attention to anything connected to Erasmus, even a questionnaire.

Going abroad, leaving your relatives and friends behind, jumping into something totally unknown, and doing this all on your own isn’t easy. But if you’re welcomed by a local buddy, who helps you to cope with the first days, introduces you to other friends and takes you to some of the first events at your new campus, it makes the whole experience less stressful. Many of the buddies are members of ESN and many of the activities are organised by local ESN associations. Homecoming students might recall the help they received and might see that by spending 20 minutes of their time to fill in a questionnaire, they could actually help future students to have an even better experience. Also, the fact that it’s students who are asking the questions somehow raises the motivation to participate. It’s not a company, not your school, not the national agency, nor the European Union, it’s people of the same generation, the Erasmus generation, asking about your Erasmus. It’s easier to imagine who’s behind the project as the questions come from people who lived a similar experience.

The questions are sometimes tricky to design. Although homecoming students are expected to understand the survey in English, keeping the formulations short and understandable is a must. Some standardised scales with academically formulated questions that were initially planned to be used, simply didn’t make it through the pilot study. Other questions didn’t make the cut because they weren’t relevant for all countries involved or would mean something else in a different context. For the first time, the ESNsurvey project succeeded in reaching the target group of local non-mobile students, who have never been abroad. In order to collect answers from this group, which might lack foreign language skills, the questionnaire had only 29 questions and was translated in 9 other languages.

The weird and shivering beauty of the Erasmus experience is that although Europe is so diverse in all its countries, ethnic groups and languages, which generally makes the creation of a cross-cultural survey difficult, the core of the experience is similar. It seems like it doesn’t depend on where someone spends their Erasmus, because they can always end up with people from all around the world, who are all on the same journey. This "unity in diversity” bonds people together regardless of their differences.

Written by Mikuláš Josek
ESNsurvey 2016 Coordinator

Categories: ESN International

UN Summer Academy 2016: ‘Shaping a Sustainable Future’

ESN International news - Tue, 26/07/2016 - 11:07


The UN Summer Academy has been organized by the UN System Staff College (UNSSC) every year since 2012. It prides itself on offering executive education, learning and knowledge exchange to those actively engaged with the UN System in their daily lives.

The UN Summer Academy 2016 is titled ‘Shaping a Sustainable Future’ and will focus on the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development, including the Sustainable Development Goals, along with the Paris Agreement under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. The Summer Academy combines academic rigour with cutting edge thinking, builds on renowned faculty and is open to UN staff, civil society and private sector representatives alike, as well as a select number of post-graduate students and young professionals, interested in further pursuing opportunities in the field of sustainable development.

Why to register: The Academy will:

  • Introduce key features of Agenda 2030, including the Sustainable Development Goals, along with the Paris Agreement and the Financing for Development process.
  • Engage participants in a dialogue and exchange of practices requiring profound changes beyond ‘business as usual’ both in terms of substantive integration of the three pillars of sustainable development, as well as through new ways of working with partners from all segments of society.
  • Leverage the presence of numerous UN entities in Bonn, as well as leading institutions in international development, providing an exclusive opportunity for dialogue with professionals working towards the implementation of a universal sustainable development agenda, applicable in all countries.
  • Present ongoing efforts to develop sustainability strategies in Germany and showcase practical examples on sharing and leveraging knowledge to advance global development.

Who can register: The UN Summer Academy is open to participants from the United Nations System, civil society and private sector, as well as a select number of postgraduate students and young professionals, interested in further pursuing opportunities in the field of sustainable development.

When: The UN Summer Academy will take place from 22 - 26 August 2016.

Where: UNSSC Knowledge Centre for Sustainable Development,

Haus Carstanjen, Martin-Luther-King-Str.8, Bonn, 53175, Germany.

How:    Register now at http://www.unsummeracademy.org/enrolment.asp.

Deadline for enrolment is 15 August 2016.



The UN Summer Academy is looking for student volunteers who would like to help to the organization team during the event. You will be able to attend to most of the sessions and, at the same time, you will assist to the team with the logistics. All the requirements are set in the application form you can find at the end of this article.


More information: For further information, please visit the UN Summer Academy website: http://www.unsummeracademy.org/. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us at unsummeracademy@unssc.org or call us at 0228 815 2657.

Relevant links: 

  • About the UNSSC Knowledge Centre for Sustainable Development (link)
  • UN Summer Academy Flyer (link)
  • Brochure (link)
  • Overview of courses (link)
Attachment Files:  UN Summer Academy_Call for Student Volunteers.pdf
Categories: ESN International
