Join ESN Italy!

ESN Italy is searching for a motivated, smart and dedicated person who loves the international environment and is willing to work in an international organization whose aim is to promote Erasmus+ and help international students doing their exchange in Italy.



European Solidarity Corps Volunteers from Croatia 

ESN adopts a new logo and visual identity on its way to a global brand

The Erasmus Student Network is proud to announce the adoption of a new logo and visual identity, endorsed in April 2019 during the Annual General Meeting in Thessaloniki by the members of the organisation.

The Erasmus Generation wants to choose the future of Europe! And you?

The Erasmus Generation wants to choose the future of Europe! And you?

On May 9th, Europe Day, the video made by Erasmus Student Network Italia is officially launched, in collaboration with the Liaison Office of European Parliament in Italy, to promote the "This time voting" campaign in our Country. 

Erasmus Student Network Italia has joined the campaign This time I’m voting, promoted by the European Parliament to make European citizens aware of the importance of the vote at the European elections of 23-26 May 2019.

For this occasion, a video was, and the Erasmus students are protagonists, who tell what are the reasons why they will vote for the new European Parliament.

Section in the Spotlight - ESN Milano Statale

Congratulations to ESN Milano Statale, winner of the title of Section in the Spotlight for the month of June!


During the Network Exchange Forum, the Section collaborated with RECUP, an association aimed at reducing food waste by selecting the unsold food by the closing time at the local markets in Milan. The objective is to avoid useless food waste and, at the same time, recover and distribute food before it gets thrown away. The result? A new, totally barrier-free environment where worthless things on the economic level gain a social value by helping people in need.