Buongiorno! - Italian Lessons - Colors and Numbers

Welcome to the third episode of "Buongiorno! - Italian Lessons"!

This time you are going to learn how to properly count and pronounce the colors in Italian.

Buongiorno! - Italian Lessons - Food and restaurants

Welcome to the second round of "Buongiorno! - Italian Lessons"!

This time you will learn how to express your food needs and to communicate in restaurants, bars and pub.

Sections In The Spotlight - ESN Siena GES & ESN Roma LUISS

For the month of November we have not one but two Sections to reward as Section in The Spotlight!

We congratulate the twinned Sections of ESN Roma LUISS and ESN Siena GES. Both Sections have decided to create a special event to highlight the bond between them. During their trip to Tuscany, the roman Erasmus students went to Siena as their first step, where they were warmly welcomed by the local volunteers, that showed them their wonderful town.
After that, they all made an international picnic
in the iconic setting of the Medici Fortress.

ESN Siena GES took care of buying the ingredients and preparing a wonderful typical lunch, and the Erasmus from Rome had the chance to get to know better not only the volunteers but also the local Erasmus students that participated to the event.

Incontro Culturale Erasmus 2018

The Incontro Culturale Erasmus 2018 celebrates the European Year of Cultural Heritage.

3000 international students in Rome to retrace their common past.