Radio ESN Italia is the official radio of Erasmus Student Network Italy.


It’s a Web radio that can be heard from anywhere in the world, at any time, all it takes is a PC or a smartphone with connection and you can even help.

The radio is mobile and can be present at any event with the minimum of the material to be moved.

In this radio station there is a team of authors, speakers, creatives, graphic designers, crazies, misfits, technicians, engineers, make-up artists who have a lot of fun.


Radio ESN Italia was born one afternoon in November 2013 when while Alessia Carlozzo and Stefano Marra were thinking about a podcast, Ga Farci came up with a vision.

It was born as a project of ESN Italy and it’s called ESN Italia Radio.

The first live broadcast took place during the AGM Milan in 2014, when Stefano introduced Radio ESN Italia, creating the prerequisite for an independent growth.


In the meantime podcasts were created to involve the sections and to show its potential. But the LIVE experience had created expectations, so they decided to focus on live webstreaming.


This is how the idea of ​​Generation On The Road is developed, a live program in progress that talks about travel and mobility, Erasmus and ESN, current events and frivolities.


At that point the idea of ​​involving others and making it a bigger project led them to create, on one hand, the ironic live Disagio Sociale program, which involves the strangest "characters" of the network, on the other hand to be present as much as possible at live events.

The idea is to grow and enter into the network of university radios, RadUni, which initially was just working alongside them.


This is when people start to get interested in this project, after seeing the enthusiasm and its high potential, they start giving their energy and ideas, as well as passion and dedication.


The lineup is gradually enriched with the contributions from the sections, the replies of the episodes of the previous week and some special editions created ad hoc in relation to certain events such as the election of the board of ESN Italy or the world soccer championship.